Thursday, April 29, 2010

Who here LOVES Master of the Universe by Snowqueens Icedragon?
Come on!
You all know you love it!
Well, I bet you'll love this:

Did you love it?!
How about this one?

I thought all of you perv's out there might would like this *winks*

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One Night Stands and Other Engagements - Chapter Four Teaser

Hi there, Fellow Fanfictioners
Here is a teaser for chapter four of "One Night Stands and Other Engagements".

A few people walked pass, going to the shops and cafe's. Young couples were taking a romantic stroll along the boardwalk.
I wanted to ask Bella if maybe she wanted to talk a walk with me, but I knew that she'd probably end up slapping me again. Besides, we had come here for Jasper. I wanted, needed to talk to her. Now that I knew that she wasn't marrying my brother, those feelings that I felt last week came flooding back. Our close proximity making it hard for me to concentrate.
Sliding out of the warm confines of Bella's car and into the cool Seattle air sent was unpleasant, to say the least, and I noticed Bella shiver from beside me. Looking over at her, I noticed that she still only wore her short, tight dress, and no coat. Shrugging my jacket off, I slid it over her shoulders.
"Thank you," she mumbled, a blush creeping up into her cheeks. She was so beautiful in the moonlight. The dress enhanced her gorgeous curves and those damn shoes would surely be the death of me. Her hair was propped up but a dozen bobby pins, making her pale neck delectably slender. Too bad she hated me at the moment, otherwise I'd kiss her.

Like it...Love it...Intrigued...Put-off completely?
Chapter four should be up really soon...Hopefully.
Good things come to those who wait...

Monday, April 19, 2010

I have finally created a blog for my Fan Fiction account.

Thank you to all of my FF supporters. Without you, I would have no inspiration or motivation to write.


Now...for those of you who don't know what fanfiction is:

Definition: a fictional account written by a fan of a show, movie, book, or video game to explore themes and ideas that will not or cannot be explored via the originating medium; also written fan fiction, also called fanfic.

So, this blog will be used for me FF Account. I will post teasers, pictures, questions, answers, inspiring quotes, anything that I might deem fit. After all, this is MY blog :)

Well, this was just a small intro...I'll must write now!